Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Rise and shine!!! This morning I had my early class, Italian Literature. The group of us are sitting in the lounge waiting to go to class when we look out the window and see that it's raining. Only, it looked like really heavy rain. But when we all left Villa Bonelli to walk to the classroom we realized that it was snow. It was snowing in Fiesole! A bunch of us made the comment that we flew over 4000 to escape from snow and here it was in Italy. Not only was it snowing, albeit lightly, it was very cold as well.

Lit went well. We got our midterms back and I got an A/B on it. We started reading Petrarch's sonnets as well. I like his style of poetry. It's very vivid images and even could be considered romantic, even though that era was 500 years in the future. I woke up even sicker than yesterday, so I was sneezing and very out of it in class today. After literature we had language. We started working on indefinite articles. At the end of class she gave us back our midterms for language. I got an A on that one, WooooHoooo!!!!! So far so good when it comes to the midterms.

After classes, I was feeling even more like crap so I decided to not go anywhere today as it was now raining out. I just wrapped up in my blankets and surfed the net for the rest of the afternoon. I also ate like six oranges and finished my orange juice. I got as much Vitamin C as my body could hold so hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.

We went down to JJ's for dinner. I had a bacon cheeseburger with fries and a coke. The burger had onions and BBQ sauce on it but other than that it was really good. I than ordered a "Blue SMU" as we call it; I think it has Malibu in it, but its color is blue hence the name. After that drink I walked back up to Villa Bonelli, took a shower, and am now blogging about my day. The most exciting thing that happened was the snow we got this morning.

Oh, yeah. I also filled out a couple of scholarship applications online and continued to fill out the Kwik Trip scholarship application I received. I have to meet for history class tomorrow at the Piazza della Signoria at 10 am. Afterward, I'm going to pay my deposit for skydiving and maybe do a little shopping. We don't have language class until 4 pm tomorrow for some reason so I have time to roam the city for a while. I think a bunch of us are meeting in the city after my history class for lunch somewhere but the plans are not concrete.

Well, I'm once again sneezing and feeling congested and all stuffed up. I just want to sleep and wake up healthy. Pray for me! Amore e perdere tutti voi. Ciao!

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