Thursday, February 26, 2009

Heading off to Switzerland!!!

Okay, so I slept in a little this morning since class doesn't start until later. We had the museum part of class first. We went to Museo del Bargello where Donatello's David is. We spent about an hour and a half there before heading back to Villa Bonelli. A few of us stopped off at the Supermarket to pick up a few essentials for our trip to Interlaken. We then had class for Art from 2:30-3:30.

I'm blogging now to tell everyone that I won't blog again until Monday, most likely. I wish everyone a good weekend and happy traveling. Pray that the group of us going skydiving that we survive and make it home alive. Arrivederchi!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Here is posted my videos taken at Carnevale in Viareggio from Mardi Gras. I hope you enjoy them as they were fun to make and even funner to be there in person. I had such a blast at Carnevale. The Italians sure know how to throw a parade and create awesome floats. Watch and see for yourself!!!

Wednesday, I feel better just for spite

Ash Wednesday. The first day of Lent. I woke up today reminding myself: "ok, no snaking, no meat, light breakfast (not that its not anyway), and what am I doing for Lent?" Well, breakfast was light, just a yogurt and croissant without jam or nutella. I didn't snack, except for an apple for lunch, and had no meat today. Yah for me!!!

I went to history class this morning. We got our tests back and I did okay. Luciana said she doesn't grade based on points, more on what we know. The questions for the test were hard ones, especially since some had two possible answers. So, she's going to tell us our grade next week. We were given a short reading assignment for homework and then read more about the Medici for the rest of class.

Between classes I tried to work out the kinks and soreness in my back but failed miserably. I also posted pictures on facebook and my videos I made from Carnevale. Then we had language again.

I don't feel like I'm really learning in language. I'm frustrated over the lack of progress we've made. I know I shouldn't expect sooo much from it but I want to have a better handle of the language. It sucks not being able to understand what the teachers are saying to us, that they have to translate. I also don't want to get jipped by anyone when it come purchases.

Anyway, after language class we had a little over an hour before the big Ash Wednesday event in town. We walked down to this little chapel that is rarely used. This was where the procession started. We then walked, en mass, to the cathedral in town asking the various saints to 'pray for us.' Now, the entire mass was in Italian but I know some parts and know when we're asking for the saints to pray for us.

After processing into the church, Mass started. We then went up to receive our ashes at the appropriate time. Back home, in both my hometown and at school, on Ash Wednesday the priest makes a cross on your forehead with the ashes. Today, we bowed our heads and the priest sprinkled the ashes on the crown of our head. It was different but you go with the flow. Mass then proceeded onward as normal.

I have never seen so many clergyman all together at once before. When we were in the little chapel, over half of it was filled with priests, brothers, maybe even a few monks. There were also quite a number of nuns as well. And when we were in the cathedral, the use of incense was the most I've seen as well. Thank heavens that the cathedral had very high ceilings otherwise there would have been more coughing going on as the use of incense was very high.

After Mass, instead of walking back up to Villa Bonelli and then on to La Reggia, a few of us went into JJ's to wait the half-hour until dinner. We had a drink, played darts, and gossiped before walking up the hill to La Reggia.

As it was Ash Wednesday, it was a meat-less dinner. We had great pasta with tomato and pesto sauce for the first course. The second course consisted of really hot roasted potatoes and omelets; dessert was tiramisu. The main topic of conversation was our trips this weekend. The majority of the group is headed off to Switzerland this weekend for skydiving and snow-fun. Two are going to Barcelona while the other two are going to Venice. We're all going to have soooo much fun though.

I'm not taking my laptop with me this weekend so don't expect anymore blogs after this until I get back. I'll keep track, manually, of my going-ons so you won't miss a thing. Expect a lot of entries early next week. I'll try and get my Carnevale pictures up before I leave but don't hold your breath.

Tuesday, I get a little sideways

Mardi Gras. Fat Tuesday. The last day to binge and indulge before the season of Lent which starts today. My Mardi Gras, or Martedi Grasso in Italian, was one of the best I've had.

I spent the morning going to class. In lit we watched sections of a movie that was an adaptation of The Decameron , a set of 100 short stories written by Boccaccio, the next author on our list. So, the first hour of class was spent watching these little mini-movies. The second half of class was actually talking about the writer and his life. Our assignment was to read another of his stories and be prepared to discuss in class.

After lit we had language. This past weekend held a major event in Italy. Kind of like our American Idol, the San Remo musical festival showcases singers and their composers. For class we listened to the winner of this year's festival as well as the runner up. We also played some word recognition games with the songs they were singing. The three songs we listened to were each very different in style but very catching. I liked them a lot.

After classes, I went to the post office and mailed out my scholarship application. It cost me 1,50 euro to send it. I took the letter in, greeted the man behind the counter and just gave him the letter. He seemed to shake his head at me, as if saying "Ah, tourists!" before weighing and stamping the letter. I left feeling better knowing that my part was finished.

Eldon, Allyson, Ania, Betsy, and I all went to see the Carnevale parade at Viareggio yesterday. So after class was finished, we went back up to Villa Bonelli, grabbed what we needed, and headed for the #7 bus. Once at the station we purchased our tickets to Viareggio and hoped on a train to Lucca. We had to switch trains at Lucca as the train we were on only went as far as Lucca, but that was alright. When we finally got to Viareggio is was probably aroun 4:30-ish.

We started down the first street we came to, stopped inside this little shop to check out the costumes. Allyson and I both bought masks there. Hers was a white mask with silver accents, and pearl in the middle of the forehead with three white feathers coming off on top. Mine was a gold and purple mask the swept up the side of my head on one side of the mask. Each of us really liked our masks and put them on soon after leaving the store. We then walked to where all the action was taking place.

After purchasing our tickets to get into the fairgrounds, we found a great spot to watch the parade. I have a ton of pictures of the floats and various people in their costumes that I will upload later today. The parade lasted until 7-ish. Then it finally struck us that Viareggio is on the coast, so we had to go find the Mediterranean Sea. Betsy, Ania, and Eldon shucked their shoes and ran into the sea. It was fun to sea them, in the dark, just dancing on the shoreline where the waves broke. I got a ton of sand in my own shoes even without taking the off.

At this time, Eldon and I headed back to Firenze as we both didn't want to be out too late. The last train heading to Firenze left at 10, we were on the 8:45 train and were back in Villa Bonelli by 11. Allyson, Ania, and Betsy had wanted to eat in Viareggio so they stayed behind and came back on the 10 pm train.

Overall it was a great Mardi Gras, one I won't forget. I had a ton of fun and will post those pictures very soon. Ciao.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Except for Monday, which was never good anyway

I cannot believe how the time has flown since arriving here in Florence. Since arriving on the 10th of January, I’ve been in Italy for 45 days! My trip to Europe is almost half over. I’ve got 49 more days before I fly back to the states. It’s weird when I think about the fact that I’m over in Italy, taking classes, enjoying the scenery, culture, and cuisine, while the rest of my world is back in the states doing similar things with less newness upon waking everyday.

I was reading the Cardinal Newspaper after Global Issues today and just got to thinking how totaly removed from everything back home I am. All the events I would normally attend, all the things I would normally do, all the people I would regularily see, I'm missing. I miss seeing my friends in my major. I miss talking trash with them, I miss campus. But, I'm having a blast here in Italy and wouldn't trade it for the world.

Today, like a typical Monday here, started a little differently. I woke up early to start my laundry at 8am. Then ate breakfast with Dr. Fox and Dr. Rodeheffer before heading off to class at 10 for Global Issues. I did two loads of laundry today and had each dried so I now have clean clothes to wear to Interlaken this weekend when I go skydiving. AHHHHHHH!!!!! I cannot believe I'm going skydiving!!!!!!!

The rest of the day was typical Monday. Waiting for the maid to finish cleaning the rooms. Working on homework that we didn't want to do over the weekend or last week. Starting homework that we got in Bob's class. Just chilling on the internet.

I walked down to the Coop after it reopened after siesta and bought chocolate, pringles, and coke. I needed to break my large bills so I could send my letter back home. I didn't put it in the mail today as I didn't want to wait in line to mail it. I'll put it in the mail tomorrow after class, before we leave for Viareggio for Carnevale. I still need to buy a mask for Carnevale as it's one of my goals for this trip. I also need to buy some typical touristy post cards to send back home.

Dinner tonight at Etrusca was interesting. When we first arrived, there was this group of Americans that were very loud and obnoxious and from how they were acting I understand why Europeans have a bad stereotype of Americans. After they left, we found out they were from Vanderbilt, although they acted very immature and young. But, enough about horrible American tourists, let's talk about dinner. We had spaghetti pomodore, amazing; a beef stew type dish, heavenly; and gelato for dessert. Basically it was another very good meal in Italy.

When we got back to Villa Bonelli, Bob met with each of us to discuss our midterm. I did great, only missing the mark on one question and not very far. He wants each of us to correct our error(s) and then give back the exam. Tomorrow will be a great day! I cannot wait for skydiving!!! Ciao!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

40 days in Italy

February 20 marked the 40th day since I've started counting my steps here on my vacation. Having left January 9th and arrived in Italy January 10th, February 20th is not exactly the 40th day IN Italy, it's actually the 42nd. Well, let me explain everything. I started counting steps, calories, and miles walked each day on January 11th. At the end of each day, I keep track of these numbers in a notebook and on an excel spreadsheet. Now, I, somehow, missed January 18th, but every other day since I've been here I have numbers for.

I've since made a table of average steps walked per day, calories burned per day, and miles walked per day. I also have in the table the total number of all these items. It's quite impressive to see how much walking I do over here in Italy. Some days have greater numbers because I may have walked down to Florence or because we had a day trip. Other days have very tiny numbers because maybe it was raining or I just didn't do anything that day.

In the table below, you see the total and total average to date of the calories, steps, and miles. All these numbers came from my pedometer. I would like to thank the Health Advocates for their Walk it Out program which I participated in first semester. That is where I got the pedometer. Anyway, just wanted to post this for those who were wondering and care.

total to date: 10026.5
Total ave/day: 250.7

total to date: 305283
Total ave/day: 7632.1

total to date: 145.409
Total ave/day: 3.635

A beautiful Saturday

Lately, the weather has been sooooo gorgeous, you cannot help but want to get out and walk around. Saturday was like that. It was Adam's last day here in Florence, so Allyson and I took the #7 bus down to Firenze to meet up with Adam at his hotel. We had decided on going to the History of Science Museum and spending the afternoon there. Only, there was a little bit of a problem with that.

The Museum, due to renovations being done, only had the main floor and the basement opened for viewing. Because of the renovations, the ticket price was reduced. But, not only was the whole museum not opened, the rest was only opened until 1 pm as it was a Saturday. The three of us got to the museum at like 12:15. We decided to go through anyway and see what we could see.

The History of Science Museum is filled with the coolest things. There was a ton of medieval and Renaissance era astronomy and science apparatuses. Telescopes, watches, compasses, protractor-type things, microscopes...the list goes on. It was just awesome to be in the presence of the tools that helped get us where we are today in the sciences. Without those creations/inventions/discoveries who knows if we would still think that the sun revolved around the earth. I'm very glad we went there and also equally glad to get a little taste of science on this trip. I've been missing my labs and scientific need-to-know facts. What can I say, I'm a science major who misses her area.

Well, after exiting the museum before they locked it down for the day, the three of us wandered along the streets of Firenze. Having expected to spend a lot more time at the museum than we actually did, we were left with an entire afternoon to fill. Allyson and I showed Adam through the streets, pointing out the courthouse, the church where Matilda is buried, Dante's church and house which is now a museum, and many others. We finally are getting hungry and look for a little sit-down place to eat. The place we chose was excellent. Each of us had a perfect-sized portion plate with a drink for under 10 euro. I was just what we needed to keep us going through the rest of the day.

After our late lunch, we wandered around downtown Firenze. We went to the San Lorenzo Meat Market. I showed both Allyson and Adam, as neither of them had been there, around the first floor where they have all the cut-up meat. Allyson and I even bought Ania some pasta that she's been looking for. After the market we decided to walk up to the Piazza Michelangelo because I have never been there.

That walk took us to and across the river Arno. We then had to walk up this hill with a lot of steps. On the walk up to see David, we saw a man taking a crap a little ways of the path in this kind of shaded area. I could not believe that someone would just walk off the path and drop his pants like that. It was disgusting, needless to say. When we got up to the piazza, we finally saw David up close. The three of us went and sat on a bench and just looked out at the wonderful views for a while. On the bench next to us, which we tried not to look at after the first glance, was a guy straddling the bench with his girlfriend straddling him, trying to make babies.

After leaving the piazza and walking back down, we walked back to the Duomo to wait for Ania to join us. Ania and I were going to attend Mass at the Duomo at 5. While waiting on the steps of the Duomo for Ania to arrive, Allyson, Adam, and I did some people watching. There was the ever present tourist groups and all sorts of strange characters. We even saw a guy dressed up like a Jedi or another such character from Star Wars walking around the piazza. Finally, Ania showed up and the two of us went to Mass while Adam and Allyson went back to his hotel to wait for us.

After Mass, Ania and I walked over to Adam's hotel to pick up Adam and Allyson. We then walked around Firenze trying to find this restaurant that the guy at the hotel recommended. Unfortunately the restaurant didn't open until 7:30 so we walked over to the Duomo to wait for Betsy to join us. Now the four of us sat and people watched until Betsy showed up. Right before she did, though, this group of Italian guys came up to us and started a conversation. The one guy wanted to know if we could be friends so he could improve his English. Since most of us thought the guy was just trying to play us, it was convenient that we could say he had no way of contacting us. Right after he and his friends left, Betsy joined us and we went out to eat.

After dinner, we headed back up to Fiesole where we then all went to JJ's to celebrate Adam's last day with us. Overall, Saturday was a pretty great day but this morning I'm feeling all that walking I did. Today I'm just going to relax, get some homework done, and maybe do some laundry.