When we arrived at the airport after our flight from Frankfurt, we had to wait for our check baggage to come. There were three baggage turnstiles in the airport, only three. Everyone's luggage was there, so no one lost their bags, but my checked suitcase was smashed in on one side. It was ripped open, the lining ripped, and the corner just destroyed. Luckily, nothing seems to be missing from my suitcase so I have everything that I brought with me. Whew!
We didn't know how we wanted to get from the airport to Villa Bonelli. The nine of us discussed taking the bus but then decided on just using taxis. Carla and I shared a taxi to Villa Bonelli. We were the first to leave from the airport but the last to arrive at Villa Bonelli because our driver got lost along the way. It was interesting to see the city as we drove through it. Driving in Florence is crazy. I can never imagine doing it myself because I don't understant the sutleties of the Italian transportation. Mopeds and scooters bobbed and weaved between cars while bicyclists peddled away, inches from moving traffic. Anyway, Carla and I finally made it to Villa Bonelli, paid the driver, unloaded the baggage and checked into our respective rooms.
I'm rooming with Betsy at Villa Bonelli. The rooms are definately not what I imagined they would be. They are small: two twin size beds just inches apart from eachother, a couch, an armoire, a little desk-type thing, and a bathroom with a shower. We have a TV and mini fridge as well. Compared to the other rooms being occupied by SMU students, our room seems like the smallest. Still, it's a great room with a gorgeous view.
After unpacking my clothes and taking a shower (trying to figure out how the shower worked was challenge. Our hot water pressure is not very good) Betsy and I took a nap. Afterward, she and I went out for a walk and ended up attending an Italian Mass at a nearby chapel. Not a word of English was spoken during the Mass. We responded where and when we could but otherwise didn't understand much of what was said. Amen, Alleluia, and Cristo were about the only things we understood. When saying the Our Father, I just quietly said it in English. Overall, a good day.
Sunday, Bob took most of us on a walking tour around Fiesole and Florence. He gave us little tidbits of information and pointed out difference places. He walked us into Florence and pointed us in the direction of the Duomo before returning to Villa Bonelli. The rest of us continued onward for about a block before getting lost and confused. We finally managed to find our way after splitting up into different groups. Walking around Florence, looking into shop windows (it's Sale season so lots of merchandise) and ending up at the Duomo. When we exited the street we were on and looked up it was this huge "Ahhh" moment. There needed to be dramatic music and birds flying as we exited for the full effect the huge Duomo had on us. All of us turned and looked up and just stared at the awesome cathedral. It was a spectacular sight.
Eldon and I continued onward. We made it to the bus/train station where we hopped on the #7 bus back to Fiesole. I walked a good five miles on Sunday (I know because I had my pedometer on. Thank you Health Advocates). After returning to Villa Bonelli, I took a nap before our group meeting at 6 where Bob handed out the class schedules and rules. We then went to Etruscans, a really great pizza place, where Bob had ordered spaghetti with glaric, olive oil, and pepper flakes, chees pizza, and gelato or tiramisu for our meal. The spaghetti was good, if a little spicy on the afterkick, but the pizza was heavenly. It didn't look like much when it was set before me but it sure tasted great. Now, the pizza is not like one you would get from Pizza Hut or Dominoes. It was the size of a large plate but had a thin crust and little sauce with cheese on top. Oh it was soooo good. I almost ate the whole thing but on top of the spaghetti, I couldn't finish it. I came back to the hotel after dinner instead of going out as I was not feeling too good. I think I may have a cold or something.
My first couple of days in Florence have been great so far and I cannot wait for what's next. Tomorrow we start classes, beginning with Global Issues, but even that cannot damper my spirts because I have one, maybe two classes a day with trips on Friday. An awesome set-up but it will probably spoil me for my senior year of nose to the grindstone work.
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